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Twin flame journey and polarity

I have noticed that twin flame journey and polarity (feminine and masculine energy) are two really hot topics these days. There is so much noise about these topics and also there is a lot of different information you can found about this dynamic. My intuition says that karmic dynamics are labeled often as twin flame journey… Which I understand as they both are quite intensive connection. Biggest difference is that in karmic relationship we actually don’t heal from karmic cycles. Because karma is action and cause based. As we choose our karmics not from our higher self state but based on fear, we don’t get close to unconditional love as we haven’t trust life but rather tryed to fit other person to our ego based world. As we do that all we get is unfulfilled feelings and holes inside because of searching validation in wrong place – from other person.

There is also a myth surrounding the twin flame connection that it is a connection where soul has split into two and is now in different bodies. My intuition is that the universe is from the same “source” or energy as all matter. Yes we all have our own energy bodies but our higher self is one with all, it’s energy expressing itself in various forms. We feel it when we feel unconditional love for everyone and everything. Therefore we can assume that in reality such splitting of souls into two is not very possible. Now that it’s clear I would like to talk more about what this “twin flame” connection actually may be.

The twin flame is a dynamic/concept which goal is trigger spiritual awakening, balancing energies, healing wounds. The subconscious mind signals there is undiscovered potential hidden in our wounds which can be access by healing. Our higher self knows what unconditional love is and that we need to learn to recognize it and connect with it again. Basically a twin flame is a person who vibrates at the same frequency. An extremely intense connection is created between two energies on the same frequency. To be contact/connection with your twin flame is only possible through work with yourself. The concept of “the chaser” and “the runner” is used to describe this situation. The chaser have often left alone by the “runner” which forces chaser to look at his own wounds and deal with them. Runner doesn’t satisfy chasers ego based conditional love and then they both have to face the dark side of the ego and many ego deaths. Since the concept promises “union” after the wounds have healed the chaser is also motivated to work on themself. But in reality, the chaser is dealing with innerchild wounds and masculine/feminine energy and balance energies. After healing other twin who haven’t work on themselves is not attractive anymore. Goal is to learn unconditional love and healing wounds. Because the runner also has his own wounds, that’s why he runs and he is forced to deal with them as well. It is the same wound which has manifested itself in opposite ways and is perfectly mirrored. Since the inner work which is need to be done is purely based on free will, twins don’t have to heal at all or only one twin can do the “job”.

We encounter the same dynamic in the second interpretation as well as avoidant attachment and anxious attachment, both types have a strong fear of abandonment that usually comes from childhood traumas. Both parts have a unbalanced energies which manifests different. Avoidant avoiding his own emotions and needs to be distant in order to balance his nervous system and anxious person needs contact in order to balance nervous system. It is the same game of runner and chaser. Push and pull dynamic.

The goal of the twin flame dynamics is to heal the wound of female energy within ourself what often comes from the mother’s role model and is related to low self-worth, setting low boundaries and settling for less than women is actually worth and also the father’s wound what come from the father’s role model and is expressed as manipulation, dominance, demands, excessive control, overthinking. The toping on the cake is the screaming inner child who wants love and attention.

After doing inner work and healing, balancing energies a person becomes more aware and is able to hold emotional space for others. Also becomes decisive and begins to establish boundaries. Creativity begins to flow in, he/she no longer needs to be in control and trust more life, surrenders. There is now a contact with higher self. Intuition is easier to listen to and recognize. Self-confidence is born. The male flame becomes more self-confident, knows his own worth and is able to lead the situation strongly. He is able to provide the woman with the necessary support, presence and healthy leadership with protection. Female becomes more receptive and trusting and is also able to support and create in her own feminine energy, also knows her own value and sets boundaries. Both have the ability to recognize, receive and offer unconditional love which creates a feeling of fulfillment in the soul. They don’t have to be in a relationship with each other at all. If one of the flames don’t want to do inner work then the one that did feels the possibilities of both energies and balance inside. Feels open to love and ready for healthy relationship with the same vibration being. Starting to fulfill mission which is to be more self aware and mirror others by triggering their wounds.

The goal of the journey was never to achieve a physical connection with twin. The goal was to balance energies within and to find way back to unconditional love inside, way back to home to our higher self. To now share and receive love in all forms and to feel whole again as we were created.

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