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How to feel happiness

Happiness can seem like a wonderful feeling that can be out sourced, found or received from someone else. In order to find happiness you have to once again look in the mirror as happiness starts within you.

Happiness can be material abundance, emotional well-being, a sense of security, knowing that everything is fine with our loved ones or it may be a state where everything just always goes well and you feel align. But happiness can be also the freedom to live your life according to your vision, dreams and rules. It can be a freedom to create your life according to your values.

Happiness is freeing yourself from all kinds of limiting beliefs that have been collected over the years from your environment and from other people. These may include beliefs such as “I am too young to do this”, “I am too fat”, “I don’t have enough money”, “I will never be lucky”, “I have nowhere to go”, “nobody want to be with me”, “the rich are bad”, etc. Happiness is turning these beliefs around and being in perfect development.

Happiness is discovering who you are, what are your core values, what is your purpose in life. To find an authentic way to have fun, enjoy life, relax. To explore deep within what is really important and necessary for you. To do only those activities every day that make your eyes shine. To enjoy creation and create together. To be only in healthy and supportive relationships.

Happiness is taking responsibility for your life and giving out the best of you that is possible at the moment. The opportunity and freedom to be understood, supported, valued and loved as you are. Happiness is the ability to provide all these amazing feelings to yourself first. Happiness is accepting all sides of yourself, validating your own feelings and choosing love and peace over ego war. Trusting that everything that is meant to be in your life will come easily without struggle or suffering. It’s releasing yourself from external control and taking responsibility only for your life and your behavior.

Happiness is finding your lessons in every situation and seeing the mirror in every person you meet as they show you opportunities to grow as a person to reach your full potential. Happiness is helping, giving and forgiving.

Happiness is discovering, exploring, growing, experiencing. Finding those doors that lead to a place where you are expected, needed and appreciated just as the unique human you are.

Happiness is living authentically as yourself on your own terms.

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